
俄羅斯總統普丁 (Vladimir Putin) 2 月 24 日下令對烏克蘭展開「特別軍事行動」,至今戰火仍未消停。



原文|IADS 烏克蘭代表

翻譯|TDSA 第十屆國事部長

Good day, our friends and colleagues, or not so good!


We are a team of the Medical Students Union Ukraine. Today we are on the front line of the war, in Zaporizhzhia. 

我們是隸屬於烏克蘭醫學生聯盟 (MSU) 的一個團隊,今天我們位於扎波羅熱,身處在戰爭的前線。

We know that in recent days all of you have been observing the situation in our country, which has been subjected to military abuse. We would like to accentuate that this is not an operation for redemption, but a real WAR.


Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine is an unprecedented violation of fundamental human rights, an attack on life, democracy, freedom of thought and belief, driven by no less than hatred of Ukraine. 


For 7 days, Russian soldiers have been killing our nationals and destroying cities. We need your help more than ever. Keeping silence now equals support of the war and the aggressor system.


We, the MSU team, are witnessing daily bombings and shelling by Russian rockets and tanks of residential areas of our capital Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Zhytomyr and many other Ukrainian cities, towns and villages.

我們 MSU 團隊每天目睹俄羅斯火箭和坦克攻擊我們的首都基輔、哈爾科夫、蘇梅、日托米爾和許多其他烏克蘭城市、城鎮和村莊。

In Volnovakha, Vasilievka, Tokmak, Mariupol, Kherson people can’t evacuate from these cities because of the shelling, that doesn’t stop. 


Please publicize this! They need a Humanitarian corridor for evacuation!


Whole families are under the rubble, without food, water and communication.Connection with relatives is lost. Leaving these people means death for them! This is a genocide of the Ukrainian people, the deliberate destruction of cultural values. 


How can you help today?


Give events publicity, share information on your social media, go on the streets with the protest actions. Spread our appeal in all possible social media. You can provide donations for the Ukrainian army, volunteer organizations, and medical services! 


We attach links, by clicking on which you can find the relevant details for help: https://how-to-help-ukraine-now.super.site/

我們附上連接,您可以找到幫助烏克蘭的相關詳細資訊:Real ways you can help Ukraine as a foreigner

People should know about the events in the center of Europe! Join the protest the war in your city: https://www.stopputin.net/https://standwithukraine.live/

您也可以加入您所在城市抗議戰爭的遊行:Upcoming rallies against Russian invasion of Ukraine

Help financially. You can help the Ukrainian Army or provide humanitarian assistance. Even a small amount would be priceless.


Give shelter for people who used to run away from war. Help them settle in, don’t leave Ukrainians in foreign country. I’m abroad and I can host (ukrainenow.org)

提供住所給逃離戰爭的人,幫助他們安頓:UkraineNow – I’m abroad and I can host

We thank you and we hope that due to mutual efforts, peace will soon come back to Ukraine!


With honest of frontiers,


MSU team



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